All of these headlines from 2016. VOTE.

    by SucksDickforSkittles


    1. DogsandCatsWorld1000 on

      I remember this. Almost every one had her winning. I think that led a lot of people who might not have liked Trump, feeling it was safe to stay home. It wasn’t then it isn’t now. Please vote blue, the whole ticket.

    2. I’m not feeling very confident about November and this is why, it’s almost an exact repeat of 2016. Please vote, this isn’t “in the bag” and will be a close election.

    3. Reason_For_Treason on

      Correct. Do NOT get complacent. For many people in red states, especially minorities, your lives will likely be made hell in states like Texas, Florida, and other red states that led the charge with the “we gotta challenge the lefts cheating!!!!” Mentality. They have and will again close poling locations in counties that are predominantly black communities. They will make it harder to register, they will make it harder to find locations, they will make it harder if not impossible to vote by mail, and they will make it so that the locations open later and close sooner.

      If you go in person, even if you show up a minute before the location closes and there’s a line? Do NOT leave that line. They can not make you leave that line under any circumstances. Obviously unless you do some illegal shit. They also can not close until all people who showed up on time get to vote. Even if they try to tell you they can, they can’t. And if they do? You can absolutely get the state in trouble for doing that. Also, if you do go in person, make sure you have water and maybe even a snack if necessary. Especially if you know your nearest locations were closed. You could be waiting a while, and you don’t want to have to leave to get food or water. Might be a good idea to bring sunscreen as well just in case.

      Also, I know for almost all of people that would vote left this won’t be an issue, but don’t wear anything political at all. That can get you removed from the property as it is 100% against the rules as you can’t campaign for any candidate or proposal at a polling location. Wearing their merch counts as that. So don’t do it.

    4. They love to highlight this anomaly event to discredit polls

      That election was a turning point in America, in my opinion, specifically regarding turnout

      A LOT of Democrats/Liberals/Progressives stayed home because no one actually believed there were enough morons in America to elect a King Moron to The White House

      We will NEVER make that mistake again! 💯🌊🇺🇸

    5. Polls did not factor in James Comey announcing that they were reopening the email investigation right before the election, and then afterwards saying “yeah, so that was a big nothing burger, sorry”

    6. CocaineIsNatural on

      Averaged across 202 recent polls, I only see one person leading by 3.6%. That is not much at all. And if a few swing states poll the other way, then the whole thing could swing the other way.

      Vote. At least if you vote, you can say you did something.

    7. NerdFromColorado on

      I’m 15. I can’t vote. If Trump wins, there’s a solid chance I’ll never get the chance to vote, if what he’s saying is true. Please, for the love of god, VOTE. Our country depends on it more than ever.

    8. No one wanted Hillary Clinton. That was completely unsurprising. That being said it’s going to be close

    9. Remind me again what Reality Winner went to jail for? 

      Maybe the polls were right and the outcome was wrong.

    10. No-Independence-6842 on

      More importantly, please know that whatever Trump comes up with for his October surprise, it’s bullshit and vote blue .

    11. aRebelliousHeart on

      These also didn’t account for Trumps cult. Modern polls do and he’s still losing. So actually the real numbers are probably far worse. Saying that though don’t listen to polls, don’t trust polls in general. JUST VOTE!

    12. This would all be solved if voting was required by law. One of the problems is that old people have the time to vote, younger people don’t and can’t be bothered in some cases.

      If everyone HAD to vote, no republican would ever win again.

    13. please vote.

      if you have even a morsel of compassion in your heart for any minority, PLEASE vote against project 2025.

    14. Never forget. We’ve already been robbed of one perfectly capable woman because of this douche…and apathy. The couch will be there when you get home from the polls.

      Vote Blue and All the way through, fam.

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