Trump says he will not run again if he loses in November, ‘that will be it’

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      If he loses in November, he’s going to declare himself the rightful president and try to foment a civil war

      He’s not even being ambiguous about this.

    2. He’ll lose in November, scream stolen election until Harris is inaugurated in January, and *then* he’ll announce his candidacy for ‘28, whereupon he’ll go right back to claiming his criminal cases and lawsuits must be stopped because to move forward with them is election interference. It’s worked very well for him so far.

    3. not_productive1 on

      If you believe this, I have SEVERAL bridges to sell you. Only the best bridges, tremendous bridges.

      This man thinks he has a plan to appoint alternate slates of electors that is foolproof. He doesn’t think he has to pretend he’ll run again. This shit is dangerous, as is his “vote this time and you won’t have to vote again” stuff. He does not think there’s a way he loses.

    4. Desperate_Damage4632 on

      He also said he would leave the country if Biden took office.  Also promised to release his tax returns, fund his own campaign, not hire lobbyists, put his business into a trust, and work more than any other president, and didn’t fulfill any of those.  Healthcare .  Infrastructure week.  Revamped immigration.  Nothing.

    5. EloquentPinguin on

      Man be pushing 82 in 2028. Most people are dead at that point. Obviously that will be it. He to old for that kind of stuff, independent of politics.

    6. TheManIWas5YearsAgo on

      He has to have a Trump 2028 campaign in order to get donations to his legal fund and to try to avoid or delay prison time.

    7. #HA

      Remember when he said if he loses in 2020 we’d never see him again? He’s like a god damn curse!

    8. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      Well, he’s been a man of his word his whole life. He’s always been a reputable business man, husband and father. Why shouldn’t we believe him?

      /Ok, I threw up in my mouth a little while writing that. If anyone believes him, they’re dumber than a poopy flavored lollipop.

    9. He also said we would never hear from him again if he lost in 2020, the dude lies more than he says the truth.

    10. Assortedwrenches89 on

      “If I lose I won’t run again. I’ll attempt an insurrection, then if that fails I will flee to Venezuela.”

    11. Could they shoot him down as he flees with classified documents since he is a threat to national security??

    12. He said the only way he loses this election if it’s rigged. Buckle up, these MAGA extremists will go wild.

    13. Like last time he said he would leave the country or we would never hear from him again??? He’s full of lies like usually. He has to run again or he can’t claim all his crimes are election interference. November 6th, he is going to claim he won regardless of the actual results. Every major new source will cover it like trump someone how overnight found a magic tablet in his maga hat that told only him how he’s going to be the next king of the world or heaven or something. He will never not be running for president unless he’s dead and we all know there will still be soma maga moron who’s still going to write his name in.

    14. jedburghofficial on

      Trump is just a figurehead. Vance is the candidate chosen and funded by the Project 2025 Coalition.

      If Vance wins somehow, Trump won’t last long. If Vance loses, I think they’ll quietly cut him loose and let the left turn him into a martyr for the redhats.

    15. Trump only lies. He’ll be running from his poop grave, trust nothing from the coward and traitor to America!

    16. Trump: “I won’t run again if I lose in 2024. That’ll be it”

      Me on the way to vote for Harris:


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