1. Trump always lies. His base will cheer anything coming out of his mouth. Why would he need to tell the truth?

      Also just a reminder to check your voter registration. Gotta vote in November, because considering Project 2025 this might be the last vote of your life.


    2. Different_Net_6752 on

      He’s incapable of feeling shame. He’d actually just be angry at you for questioning him. 

      He’s also so far gone, he believes it. 

    3. TheEvilOfTwoLessers on

      He thought none of his followers would check, and I assure you they haven’t and will claim this article is a Deep State lie.

    4. RealUltimatePapo on

      “The sky is green, trust me. Blue skies are a woke liberal ​media agenda”

      -Delusional Narcissist

    5. Charming-Command3965 on

      I am tired of his shenanigans and his family shenanigans. You may not like Harris. But I am tired of this guy

    6. franchisedfeelings on

      Why does he lie just to lie – it’s really pathological. The felon is more unfit every second.

      I wish he would release his transcripts – we would see immediately why he loves the poorly educated – they are like him, but even more gullible.

    7. He doesn’t care if anybody checks as long as his cult members believe him. And they do! He probably hasn’t told a truth in months

    8. I like to say something snarky about the people still believing anything bunker baby says, but I don’t want to punch down… Guess I’ll just have to kick them instead

    9. Maybe he was the first to walk and got his diploma first, technically graduating first in his class.

    10. Why has he not been sentenced for his 34 felonies? This delay is ridiculous. Anyone else would be in prison.

    11. He wasn’t “humiliated.”

      There are never consequences for his blatant and brazen lying, so he just keeps doing it.

    12. He doesn’t care. His supporters will defend anything he says as absolutely 1000% the truth and believe anyone saying otherwise is just a woke liberal that hates the country.

    13. How did he go to Wharton and win World War I single handedly? I read somewhere that he also dismantled the Berlin Wall all by himself, bare-handed. He really is the apex predator.

    14. I genuinely don’t think that Trump’s even capable of being humiliated. His narcissistic personality and delusion would not allow it.

    15. this won’t humiliate his thick delusional skin. BUT if his ratings fall, and no one pays attention to him and stop going to his rallies that’s going to kill him real hard. To him, this whole thing is a TV show. Politics is entertainment and his goal is being the Master Showman.

    16. doingthehumptydance on

      Part of his solution to lower prices is to lower the interest rate- any first year economics student will tell you that is lowering interest rates has the opposite effect.

      Doesn’t sound like a Wharton man to me.

    17. Open_Mortgage_4645 on

      One of Trump’s professors at Wharton has said he was the “the dumbest goddammed student” he ever had.

    18. He knows receipts don’t matter anymore. People who still care about facts and truth are wasting their time and losing more ground every day.

    19. 0sometimessarah0 on

      The only thing he’s ever been first in is the line when KFC released the double down. ETA: and Presidential impeachments/felony convictions.

    20. There’s good evidence to believe he failed every exam. After all, he can’t read. That would make it very difficult for him to pass.

      But one of the officials at the college adjusted his figures up to just passing. And he got a degree.

      In unrelated news, his father made a substantial donation to the college.

      Or so it’s claimed.

    21. It’s more that he thought he’d covered his tracks with threats. He threatened lawsuits if any of the schools he attended leaked his grades or class records.

    22. It’s so pathetic. You know that’s just a thing he has heard about other people and he thought it sounded cool so he decided to start saying it about himself. He’s actually a crazy person.

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