The battery on my old iPad 2 after a few hours of charging

    by Pop_Martiniky


    1. Your iPad 2 still (until impending meltdown) worked? That’s kinda interesting on its own

    2. I used to work in an electronics repair shop and had this happen to an iPad that came in. The battery burst into flames when I tried to remove it, it burned for a min or so after I put it outside in the rain. Replaced the battery and it worked perfectly. I am not a fan of Apple products at all, but god damn if they don’t use high quality components.
      Truly shocked that this true story us being down voted. I can probably find pics I took when it happened.

    3. RaveningScareCrow on

      Happened to my iphone SE(older iphone) because i was using it while it was charging. Had to change battery once and didnt bother with the second time it bloated.

      Switched back to an android

    4. My mother’s old samsung tablet developed a spicy pillow. I took it outside, had it play one of those 24 hour videos and turned up the brightness on the display and the next day I kept checking to see if it would try to boot and it kept that up for about 6 months until last week it finally stopped trying to boot up. It’s very dead now, so I took it apart and now it’s in a bag ready to go to an ewaste facility.

    5. I found a laptop in a dumpster with a swollen battery and warped case. Pulled it out, bought a battery on Amazon, swapped it, wiped it, and sold it. Made $300.

    6. If you can’t get sand, bury it in dirt I don’t know if you’d be able to transport it buried in a container of dirt but that’s another option to disable it until you can get it safely disposed of

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