This is the ‘paperwork’ for our recent vehicle purchase.

    by aintitquaint


    1. lemonzestydepressing on

      I would put on some shades, plug it in, type at the keyboard and say “I’m in”

      all the time if I had this

    2. Rassayana_Atrindh on

      Our mortgage paperwork and everything associated with our house was scanned and given to us on a bank branded USB drive. I have zero problems with this. It actually fits in our small lockbox.

    3. IonizedRadiation32 on

      My mom’s past two cars (leased) were like this, albeit with a less edgelordy stick. It was a tiny, searchable PDF that we could transfer to our phones. Frankly super convenient after the first tiny hurdle of loading it, though I can see how some less-tech-savvy folk could struggle with it.

    4. As someone that works in tech, this would be a big fat “no” for me. 

      I don’t trust dealerships as it is, even less so when it comes to security after the hack a couple months ago. Email me the forms or host them on something like docusign. 

    5. could_use_a_snack on

      Everyone is saying they wouldn’t put that flash drive into their computer, and I get it. If you find a random drive somewhere don’t do that, but if you get it from a reputable organization or company what’s the problem? Is it any different from buying a new one on Amazon and using it?

    6. foamingdogfever on

      BMW around 2013 used to give you a BadUSB card that would pretend to be a keyboard, open a command prompt, and directly type a command to open your browser to send you to their website.

    7. We received a digital copy on a thumb drive when we bought our last car. I thought it was a regular thing now.

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