Who needs free speech anyways.

    by rzr-12


    1. ABC News didn’t force him to lie about immigrants eating cats and dogs and post-birth abortions. They let him lie a lot, but only interjected after egregious, egregious lies.

    2. everythingbeeps on

      “I have nothing to do with Project 2025, it’s just a coicidence that everything I’m planning to do is spelled out in Project 2025!”

    3. This is a guy who had cabinet members and generals sit around a massive table with cameras on and had them each tell him how great he was, individually, one after the other.

    4. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that people who win debates don’t threaten to send the government after the people who moderated the debate.

    5. This kind of bullshit from Donald Trump is exactly why we have terrible mainstream media coverage of politics and current events.

      Media is afraid of Donald Trump and what he will do to them if he is elected.

      We all saw what he did to the New York Times when he was president.

    6. But…I thought he *won* that debate. Why would he go after them after such a stunning display of his intellectual prowess?

    7. A billboard that GOP put up near me

      “Kamala will take your Freedom of Speech”

      also GOP

      “maybe we should jail fact checkers for speaking

    8. Fox News really wants to be state run TV in a Trump dictatorship. I say we don’t give either of them what they want!

    9. Are you surprised? This man either leans 100% into his own bullshit or he goes away to prison FOREVER. Of course Mr. Bullshit is gonna try to bullshit his way through this. That’s his only option at this point.

    10. lol this dudes dream is as a dictator. Passing along power to his children, controlling all media and opinion, removing opposition through violence. It’s bizarre people observe him and decide to put their name on a ballot with his. You’re asking for a future that you’ll be punished in.

    11. RoamingStarDust on

      Has donold chump ever shown grace or humility? You know, taken a hit, shrugged it off, and moved forward with dignity? Or is it always straight to thin-skinned little bitch mode?

    12. That’s the only reason he wants to be president. Punish the people that spanked him in the peepee

    13. He already tried to weaponize the DoJ during his first term, and succeded to a certain degree with John Kerry being a good example. He was held back to a degree by people who still had some form of boundaries and common sense. Now that he got rid of all of those people, he is only left with yes-men and women. And that makes him such a big threat. He will follow through on these threats if elected.

      The NY Times published a nice article about exactly this not too long ago. This free gift article was shared in the “law” sub yesterday, it is titled “As President, Trump Demanded Investigations of Foes. He often got them. (Gift Article)” and is well worth the read.

      Sadly I cannot link to it in here, since my previous comment was automatically removed by this sub.

    14. Donald made a fool of himself with his own words. Investigate yourself for being crazy person.

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