Billionaire with hate mind virus caught talking to himself on Twitter again

    by XKingOfLostSoulsX


    1. Kamala it is then. Red circle around the target, bit of a hat on a hat, but all the same, thanks for making the choice eeeeven easier.

    2. ChristianEconOrg on

      Funny how all the “woke” counties generate the highest living standards and nearly all our GDP.

    3. So what your saying is not anti gay and trans and will try to keep black people from being brutalized? Seems fine.

    4. Suspicious_Gas151 on

      Do you think they’ll ever provide us with a definition for “woke” or is it a lost cause?

    5. He needs every single government contract cancelled/not renewed.. whatever we gotta do to get out of them.

    6. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      This is like Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton except the unfunny asshole part isn’t a bit.

    7. wanna_escape_123 on

      ***”A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for woke America.”***

      I see it as an absolute win !!!

    8. And a vote on Trump is racism, favouring stupidity, denying climate science, and forbidding books and of course no abortion

    9. Anybody using “woke” as a pejorative is 100% a bigoted idiot that’s also too much of a fucking coward to say what they really mean.

    10. Mindless-Ad-8623 on

      The richest person on the planet and he passes the days talking to himself on Twitter.

      Get the nets.

    11. He runs both accounts. He is agreeing with himself.

      He rather we vote for Nazis so he would feel right at home.

      The most dangerous immigrant in America!!

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