Russia: “invasion of Poland was just a special military operation.”

    by Mars_404


    1. The fact that misinformation about WW2 and Drittes Reich is literally illegal here has some limited benefits.

    2. the_battle_bunny on

      They always invade just “to protect minorities”, regardless whether said minorities like it or not.

    3. Love to see a more strategically sound proposal from any one of the chickenshits screaming MOLOTOV-RIBBENTROP like they’ve studied the actual history and not memorized a few contextless factoids with which to cheerlead for one neoliberal shithole over another.

      Like, if your actual opinion is that the Soviets should have left the whole of Poland to the Nazis in some performative ethical demonstration, then you’re just a fascist sympathizer plain and simple.

    4. USSR when they hold a joint victory parade with the Nazis to “prevent genocide”

      >The parade began at 16:00,[6] and the “Victory Arches” were erected which the Soviet troops decorated with swastikas and red stars and through which German troops marched.[8] The Soviets fielded the 4th Battalion of 29th Light Tank Brigade, which was the first unit of the Red Army to roll into the city. The Soviet and German generals paid homage to each other’s armies and their respective victories over Polish forces.[9]

    5. NoWingedHussarsToday on

      I appreciate the effort where meme breaks several rules at once. But breaking these two is such a low effort it hardly counts. Reported anyway.

    6. Suspicious_Good_2407 on

      I wouldn’t call it a genocide, but I also wouldn’t call the lives of Belarusians and Ukrainians in inter-war Poland a walk in the park either. Then again, it’s not like it was better in the Soviet Union.

      We just got extremely unlucky with our neighbours, I guess.

    7. Special Expeditionary Exercise on the Polish territory Including Nazi Germany (SEEPIG) is a better name for this fucking lie. Nice try Russia

    8. lol russia confesses that to them, their war in ukraine is equivalent to the invasion of poland in ww2

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