The supposed skull of Mary Magdalene, in it’s case in France

    by PocketPlanes457


    1. record scratch: freeze frame

      yep that’s me. you’re probably wondering how I lost my head and had my naked skull proclaimed that of Mary Magdelene and put on display in France…

    2. probablynotreallife on

      Fucking weirdo “Christians”!

      I don’t know what’s worse between displaying some random skull and the insanely ostentatious casing.

    3. This stuff is the weirdest part of Christianity. No real evidence, full trust and belief on human remains based on “trust me, guys”.

    4. Is it still resting in peace when your head is put in a display case for centuries? Who beheaded Mary to do this with her head?

    5. Christians tend to be somewhat less charitable towards modern prostitutes even if they do hang around with famous people.

    6. There’s every chance this was stolen by crusaders from the orthodox churches of Constantinople and shipped back to France. This happened with a lot relics. I say this without prejudice, it’s just an interesting history

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