America…this purpose cruelty to women can’t go on!! This is gross! Change it…vote!!

    by ZenobiaStarlet


    1. Republicans have always tried to control and suppress women, the fact that any woman would vote Republican is like a Jew voting for Hitler.

    2. This exact same condition happened to my sister. Very happily married, financially comfortable, fully intentional third pregnancy. She found out in month 5 or 6. Fortunately, she lived in California. Still an emotionally brutal experience.

    3. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      It’s disgusting and horrifying. If I was still of child-bearing age I would be terrified of pregnancy. Like pregnancy and childbirth isn’t scary enough already! 😬

    4. FaithlessnessSea5383 on

      Not American. Just wondering how the Republicans or Project 2025 have affected male reproductive health / rights. Is there a ban on vasectomies?

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