The Swedish warship Vasa. It sank in 1628 less than a mile into its maiden voyage and was recovered from the sea floor after 333 years, almost completely intact. Now housed at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.

    by XGramatik


    1. From her wiki- “Richly decorated as a symbol of the king’s ambitions for Sweden and himself, upon completion she was one of the most powerfully armed vessels in the world. However, Vasa was dangerously unstable, with too much weight in the upper structure of the hull. Despite this lack of stability, she was ordered to sea and sank only a few minutes after encountering a wind stronger than a breeze”.

    2. WowbaggersTongue on

      I stood exactly there a few weeks back. One of the most exciting museums I‘ve ever visited. Great recommendation!

    3. Since I moved to stockholm I’ve been to this museum three times, each time with different people who were visiting me. I know much of the information by heart now but I’d go there again anytime just to see this majestic ship again. Probably my favorite museum ever.

    4. chocolate_calavera on

      My husband and I visited the Vasa Museum a couple times. Definitely would recommend it to anyone visiting Stockholm.

    5. Distinct-Respect-274 on

      Talk about a shipwreck of a maiden voyage! But seriously, it’s amazing that the Vasa was preserved so well after all those years underwater. Stockholm, you’re doing history right!

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