My collection of ticket stubs from movies I went to before the year 2000

    by iDontRememberCorn


    1. iDontRememberCorn on

      Second attempt. First post was removed because title was somehow bad, not sure how but here it is reworded.

    2. I miss proper movie tickets. My local in the 90s gave this big blue cards with their logo and the movie on it now it’s a bit of peinted receipt paper

    3. Common_Pangolin9809 on

      I’m sad that theaters are expensive these days because I don’t want them to die. This obsession with convenience that tech bros push on everyone cripples important institutions which for me, and fine call me biased as a movie buff, includes going out to the theater with your friends and/or family and seeing a picture on the biggest screen with the best sound

    4. JonLongsonLongJonson on

      What’s crazy to me was The Matrix being in theaters 5 months after it was released. Im not a big movie buff and I wasn’t alive yet but that’s just wild to me.

    5. Love the advertising on the Matrix tickets. It’s not even subtle, it’s just a direct order: You are thirsty! Visit our concession.

    6. Inevitable-Set3621 on

      Lmaoooooo old enough to have seen pleasentville in theaters that’s just wild. It’s such a good movie too.

    7. abderfdrosarios on

      My man was out watching Oscar and Lucinda and Mask of Zorro when he could have been watching the Canucks.

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