When you failed the Imperial Exams for the 4th time

    by Joemama_69-420


    1. The one in question is none other than “The Younger Brother of Jesus” aka China’s “Appointed Son of God”

    2. Oh boy some guy proclaimed himself as Jesus’s younger brother, I sure hope this doesn’t have world war one levels of casualties.

    3. Interestingly, the reason why so many people failed the imperial exam was because the government didn’t expand the bureaucrats system of the empire. Basically the Qing population almost doubled but the government didn’t have the budget to have more civil service positions. This led to more young people taking the imperial exam but there were very few open positions for them.

    4. --PhoenixFire-- on

      Men will literally proclaim themselves the brother of Jesus and start a civil war that leaves 30 million dead instead of getting therapy

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