It’s coming in two weeks…

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Can’t release what you don’t have.

      Same tired excuses. Deny and obfuscate.

      Besides beating them, I wish there was a way to hold these garbage people responsible for their shit

    2. How dare you out us! We say this all the time. We will release this very soon. We have a plan, and we’re releasing it very soon. We’re releasing our tax returns very soon. We have all the videos, and we’re releasing it very soon. Then we drop the next bombshell, and we’re playing the shell game. We know we can distract you by throwing a thousand different things at you, with all of them fabricated, fictitious, made up conspiracy theories and you’ll be so busy with guess what they said now, that you’ll forget what we said yesterday, the day before, last week, and last month. Then there’s always falling back on you’re the one who’s doing it, you’re the devil and gin up more anger, fear, and hatred.

    3. Sad thing is, in the minds of his followers, he already released it. He can just say he will do something and they praise him like he did it already. It’s just a sad and frustrating thing to have to deal with. I just don’t get their mindset.

    4. Living_Particular_35 on

      The least of their scandals. Trump could fck a goat on live TV and nobody would be pressed.

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