Weird MAGA. American voters: let’s get united. Let’s end MAGA madness!

    by Lifehater007


    1. Daddy is looking proudly at his successful indoctrination of his child into the cult..

      Edit: Or should I say ‘grooming of his child’?

    2. “Biden is senile, can’t remember who he is, and wears diapers! He’s too old!”

      “Real men wear diapers! Trump is bigly jenius and isn’t too old!”

      So wearing diapers makes Biden a real man then, right, trumpers? Right?

    3. Let’s stop posting any pics of Trump, pass laws so media can allow another Trump to manipulate it so easiy, and shun anyone who believes the evil they push forward.

    4. WokeSnowflakeHunter on

      Biden said we had the best economy we’ve ever seen, Harris says she will fix the economy. Who is right?

    5. So today I saw this abomination I call the Trump bus in NJ. It’s this dude and his wife that live in an RV COVERED…and when I say covered I mean COVERED in Trump shit. They move from parking lot to parking lot as they get booted by property owners.

      Today, there was a group of CHILDREN there, maybe like 10 of them. Between the ages of 8-12 years old. Some of them in cub scout uniforms, all waving upside down flags and Trump flags.

      What is it about Trump and republicans that makes their candidate such a MASSIVE part of their identities? It’s mind-boggling to me. They’re getting their little kids involved.

      Best I can come up with, is that it’s victories for the victory-less. Maybe they’re the same people who don’t have a pot to piss in, but scream and yell when their sports team wins. There are similarities in this situation, like watching uber-rich people play a game, people that wouldn’t stop to piss on you if you were on fire to put it out, but somehow feeling you won something too.

      I don’t know. The image of that little kid waving an upside down flag just fucked with me.

    6. RebelliousInNature on

      You’re not a real man if you don’t shit yourself regularly?

      What a strange little world you people live in.

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