Like comedy gold tweets, but now, I'm just exhausted.

    by Ecniray


    1. Firecracker trying to get the booby milk position back 🥛


    2. MTG has the IQ of a ferret that got kicked across the road and fell into vat of horse piss. Trump is just an imbecile that has only enough brain cells to be considered alive

    3. Can we talk about the fact it says these are silver medallions & MTG is talking about buying gold…

    4. Marjorie wants sooo badly to be noticed by him. Slavering all over his every word. Like that little dog Chester trying to get Spike’s attention.
      Just pathetic

    5. It’s silver and worth $23 bucks melted down. With his yap on it it’s worth less than zero to most of us.

    6. Hey man hes 187 years old. without the assassination attemps.. If he wanna solicit talismans to the 3am coin commercial community just let em be

    7. He’s only going to plunge himself into another bankruptcy. Every cute little grift he invents ends in a loss. He couldn’t even keep a casino in business. He doesn’t have supporters. He has customers. He has rubes. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to charge admission to his rallies. He would if he could.

      And case in point: His most cherished customer is MTG, the Crossfit Karen, who cashed out on PPP loans and evidently invests her remaining funds in gold. Because she’s waiting for the government she’s paid to run to…collapse?

    8. The Republican Party is nothing more than a Trump infomercial now.

      Why would *anybody* vote for this shit?

    9. MTG wants to suck his mushroom so bad. She’s probably got a voodoo doll of Loomer with some pins sticking out of it somewhere

    10. Ngl with his recent rants about wanting Bitcoin to be made in America, I legit thought this was him launching his own cryptocurrency.

    11. Past-Direction9145 on

      yeah accusing everyone of being fascists WHILE being a fascist

      claming to save america from nazis just like russia is saving the world from the horrible nazis that live in the ukraine?

      stare at evil good and long, people. look into its eyes, there they are.

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