The worst consequence for them is no football game or homecoming.

    by Romano16


    1. Accomplished-Land-42 on

      Honestly, the hardest lesson the school could teach these kids is by enforcing a Sriracha policy for all school lunches


    2. I know we’re not supposed to gatekeep hairstyles but that kid’s dreads activated my fight or flight response.

    3. Sadboy_looking4memes on

      Who would’ve thought a bunch of kids who were raised in first person shooter lobbies, 4chan, and who think Elon is Iron Man would have these kinds of personalities.

    4. The_Bill_Brasky_ on

      We had the same themed day for my senior homecoming. My friends and I just did the canonical


      And whatever else it spells when rearranged

    5. It does suck that the entire student body and the opposing team has to suffer though. They couldn’t just punish the six? Or were there more people involved?

    6. Does it bother anyone else that a ton of kids these days go through an “edgy phase” where they’re just, like, racist? I get that we’re supposed to allow people to change, but what the hell? The argument that I always hear is, “well, if they are not rewarded and accepted for changing, then what incentive is there for them to change?” And, sure, I guess, but that means we have to accept that a bunch of nonwhite kids are just going to have to experience racism and othering from a separate group of kids who will face no consequences. And the nonwhite kids just have to get over it. I don’t really have a solution, so I guess this is just me ranting, but it bothers me.

    7. I expect to be disappointed by these comments. Y’all might as well put this in the country club before the empathizers show up.

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