Most beautiful headstone I’ve seen 🪦 Written by a young girl

    by cleanallmt


    1. I find this disturbing. The death of a child is always impactful. To hear her voice as you read the headstone and the innocence in her words, just hits you.

    2. I’m not religious nor do I believe in “God” but I feel like the family making this her headstone is truly a touching sentiment to help them with their grief. I hope it helps bring them some peace.

    3. A lot of Redditors hyperfixating on the “God” part rather than the overall sentiment of the message

    4. blergsforbreakfast on

      Its a cute and poignant sentiment and I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. It’s also completely make believe as evidenced by the fact an innocent girl is dead and never had the chance to experience a full life, proof an all knowing, all powerful, and just god cannot exist.

    5. lovelivesforever on

      It’s almost as though her song was a preemptive way to provide solace for her family with those lyrics

    6. Looks kinda like..

      “Hate… let me tell you how much ive come to hate you since I’ve began to live…”

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