Give dick a try!

    by mrmop69


    1. What exactly does a law firm have to do with storm damage? Are they going to sue god because the hail was too big or something?

    2. Reminds me of a good joke:

      What did one lesbian frog say to the other lesbian frog?

      “Hey, we DO taste like chicken!”

    3. ebeth_the_mighty on

      I misread the “Eric Dick” I’m the bottom left corner as “Epic Dick”.

      I need to put my phone down.

    4. An-Unorthodox-Email on

      I think the best one I’ve ever seen was a billboard that said, “Murdered? Don’t stay quiet.” Which, I think if anyone was murdered, they wouldn’t be saying much…

    5. Does anyone know why Dick is a nickname for Richard? I’ve always wondered or do parents just name their kid dick? hmmm

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