The amount of fresh baked goods our neighbor gives us, every week

    by _Intel_Geek_


    1. Any excuse for …

      Fat Tony: Bart, is it wrong to steal bread for your starving family?

      Bart Simpson: Gee, I guess not.

      Fat Tony: But what if your family don’t like bread? What if your family likes cigarettes?

    2. My mom had a neighbor who did something like this. My mom took her a bouquet of “flours”. Who knew there were so many types of flours??

    3. If she seems to be on a fixed income, perhaps buy her some bags of flour as a thank you. Flour is expensive and she uses a lot on just what she gives you! How dear.

    4. Neighbor trying to fatten you up and kill all y’all so he can buy your property cheap and build a self-storage facility on it. But that ain’t gonna happen because the Scooby Doo Gang figured out the plot and ripped off his mask.

    5. Rassayana_Atrindh on

      Man, I need better neighbors. I keep having to catch our neighbors’ loose horses, goats, and cows before they get hit in the road.

    6. Always_a_Hawkeye on

      NGL I’d be down for a dozen dinner rolls if my neighbor brought them over. You hit the jackpot!

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