Exhibit A

    by Least_Blackberry7843


    1. Addmeonsnapchat1 on

      God forbid going out for a dinner or on a vacation and then missing your shows episodes and then losing context next time you watch it.

    2. Ya’ll know this sounds exactly like a sad Boomer routine about “kids these days not being able to write in cursive” right?

      Yes kids these days aren’t used to not having to watch something on someone else’s schedule. It doesn’t make them dumb and it’s not a “facepalm.”

      Now the OP is correct. One of the biggest things that people… I dunno under 30 years old give or take, don’t get about life pre-internet/streaming/home media saturation is how fucking HARD it was to watch stuff.

    3. I watched Twin Peaks in 1990 in the UK..I was 16. I had to be at home every Tuesday at 9pm. It was brilliant. If you missed it you missed it and that’s that. No repeats. It made TV something special

    4. The first time I ever saw a live DVR on a television absolutely blew my mind. You can just pause the show? Like the actual show playing on the tv you can pause it and if you go to the restroom or grab food you can save up some paused time and fast forward through the commercials!? Witchcraft!

    5. I think this is what I’ve been missing. Born 1995, now the lectures I attend have recordings, but I no longer have the adrenaline and tend to procrastinate alot.

    6. lol 5 kids trying to pee at the same time in a house with one bathroom, and somehow the girl child is the one stuck with the sink

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