My son bit into this apple and it has a germinating seed.

    by midnightcarouselride


    1. when i was a teen, i cut an apple open and found a worm, for reasons i can’t really explain, i rejoined the halves and put it in back in the fridge

      a short time later, i saw the apple was gone, but there was nothing in the trash

      turned out my little sister ate it, so i immediately informed her that she ate an apple with a worm in it, not sure how she didn’t see it, but i assured her the worm would feed and grow inside her and they would become one

      by the time mom got home from work, my sister was hysterical, my mom was doing her best effort of trying to show concern and empathy while also visibly holding back laughter, i was pseudo sternly told not to put wormy apples back in the fridge

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