Lucky 13

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. It’s this myth that leads to black cats being the largest population in any animal shelter in this country.

    2. Black cat is bad luck/ bad guys wear black/ musta been a white guy who started all that – Mc Serch

    3. I love my black cat, even though he’s an absolute trash goblin. Sweetest cat I’ve ever owned.

    4. Nicole_Darkmoon on

      Black cats are bad luck because you could trip over them in the dark. Walking under a ladder is bad luck because something can fall on top of you. Smashing a mirror is 7 years bad luck because you will keep finding glass shards for forever. Spilling salt is bad luck because salt used to be expensive and is used to preserve food. They’re bad luck because of practical reasons, not mystical ones lol

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