This car has a lot of car fresheners

    by TurgeonS


    1. I did this once. I bought a pack of those things but they were all attached to the same clip so the strings got all tangled so I just put up the whole thing up like that.

    2. eatbootylikbreakfast on

      That there’s a pot dealer. They ain’t that smart. The good ones have 1 air freshener, and vacuum pack their zips

    3. My mother had a membership to a car wash facility, where every time she went through, they gave her a tree freshener. I bet it’s something like that

    4. I think every time they get a new one they just don’t get rid of the old one. Not that they put 50 up at once.

    5. When the old air freshener drops from a new 100% potency to a dull 10%, just adding on a new one increases the car freshness to 110%!

    6. What is it with not taking off the dead air fresheners? I love a freshener in my car. But a felony forest just looks lazy

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