More proof of Elon’s daddy issues. He just wants his love & approval……

    by AntiFacistBossBitch


    1. AgitatedMushroom2529 on

      well in this case he could just give his dad a child to have a inappropriate relation with, instead of putting orange lipstick on by sucking on trumps dick…

    2. As weird as Elon is, he has spoken out against this and made it clear how creeped out and furious he was after hearing about it. Even he has his limits, I guess

    3. Musk hates his father. Part of why they fell out is because of Daddy Dearest treating his sainted mother like crap… and knocking up the stepdaughter.

      And now he’s grown up to be just like his father, a man he loathes. No wonder why he’s going off the deep end; all that money and potentate and he became what he hates.

      I don’t feel any sympathy for him (nor do I have any sympathy for the DonOld); he certainly has the resources for therapy.

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