Ex POW John McCain, fractured both arms and a leg, before getting bayoneted and having his shoulder crushed. Despite torture by beatings every few days, he refused repatriation unless every man taken before him was also released, 1974

    by Previous_Service2366


    1. Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

      First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/16pld81) on 2023-09-22 100.0% match.

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    2. Dramatic-Buyer-204 on

      Similar to what Trump would have done. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Wink wink -sarcastic

    3. Never forget how the Republicans smeared this man when he rejected Trumpism. And the draft dodger orange man basically called him a coward. Still makes me angry.

    4. The fact that about 40% of the country has no problem with a guy who pussed out of the conflict 5 times being the one to pick who is and isn’t a hero, then refer to the guy as a patriot makes no sense. After a career in the military, I really thought America was better than that.

    5. pm_me_ur_handsignals on

      John McCain’s injuries were so severe that he could never raise his arm about his head.

      He got butt-stroked with a rifle almost everyday, while Donald Trump dealt with “bone spurs.”

    6. Nothing more reveals what a gutter party the Republicans has become – MAGA world sees McCain as a bad Republican because Donald Bonespurs told them he was.

    7. The Viet Cong also realized that torture wasn’t working and treated their prisoners well for the last few years of the war, way better than the US and S Vietnam treated their POWs.

    8. The only comics of Ben Garrison that need no cum edit to be funny are the McCain ones. Fuck McCain this should be posted to r/tragedy wish he fucking died in ‘Nam and you should wish that too.

    9. Hmmm, a man with honor, courage, true patriotism, ethics, self sacrifice, a moral compass, etc.,…. no wonder Trump was afraid of him.

      Thank you for your service Senator, you are missed.

    10. True American right there and anyone who thinks Donald Trump is above this guy needs to go through the tortured steps as McCain did then tell us all who the patriot is

    11. Very admirable but he never should have been there. Normally you are grounded after crashing your plane and he crashed 2 but his dad being an admiral covered him for all mistakes

    12. All true but it’s helpful to add that he would have been able to be released because his father was an admiral.

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