UK has banned Trump

    by Gordonrams_me653


    1. Something tells me there’s no chance they’d approve his asylum request with no convictions. We’re stuck with him for the time being. No country, unless it’s Russia or Russian adjacent would openly and willingly except this absolute terrible human being.

    2. There’s enough real crazy to go around without spreading falsehoods. Please don’t muddy the already toxic waters.

    3. Player2LightWater on

      Is this true?

      If yes, I wonder what would have happen if Conservative Party had won this year’s election. Would they still banned him or not?

    4. Chonky-Marsupial on

      That’s clearly fake but thankfully he’s going to be locked up (eventually) on your side of the pond so we don’t have to deal with this idea.

      Worth noting that the vast majority of us think he’s a revoltingly creepy twat and that anyone who doesn’t think he’s a revoltingly creepy twat is also a revoltingly creepy twat. We’ve kind of got it covered in that sense.

    5. AdhesivenessUnfair13 on

      Definitely fake, but also, we have extradition treaties with most of Europe so any country with one of those is off the table. Plus we all know where he’s going.

    6. Abject-Interaction35 on

      Similar rules apply here in Australia. People don’t get in because they have criminal convictions and/or fail the character test, which is ironic considering modern Australia was built on the foundations of imported convicts.

      UK government may not have said it, but they have similar rules as we do here in Australia.

    7. It’s still weird to me to see ‘His Majesty’ instead of ‘Her majesty’

    8. Irrelevant, we all know Trump’s bitch-ass would seek asylum from Putin anyway. Putin already owns him (literally, as well as with sex crime leverage)- and Trump’s white nationalism/Tammany-Hall style corruption would be right at home.

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