The truth

    by Der_Wappla


    1. Economics-Simulator on

      Prussia in reality has almost always been predominantly dominated by the Brandenburg part, the reason it took on Prussia proper was because of HRE shenanigans. Berlin still exists.

      Also comparing the efficiency of two 18th-19th century states doesn’t make much sense to compare it to the destruction of prussia (and to an extent Silesia and Pomerania) post WWII. While prussian militarism may be somewhat connected to Nazism, the connection is tenuous at best and it was mostly destroyed because it was the easiest part to destroy and because the soviets needed somewhere to put all the poles they were genociding out of the western soviet union

    2. Prussians (пруси) were Slavs in early days. Then they got “Christianised” by Germanic people. Christianised so hard, that the whole population vanished. And Prussian land was consisting mostly of germans after that. That’s why Prussia, though kept its historical land name, remained predominantly Germanic for a while. It’s a famous Drang nach Osten concept.

      (700-1400 AD)


      >”Occupied by Poles”

      The region known as “Prussia” in 18th century (when people think of) was actually historic Polish and Baltic land. In many places the population was mostly Polish or Baltic under German noblemen.

      Not to mention the entire eastern interor of the German Empire by the time of WWI, including most of the constituent kingdom of Prussia, was straight-up occupation of interior Poland. Or if we’re talking *old*, the fact that Teutonic Knights straight-up invaded that area in the 13th century.

      Germany had no real right to that land and got what it deserved having it confiscated. The western part, the part which is actually German, they still have. And it’s a little weird to talk about “Slavs and Poles” like this. I smell wehrabooism.

    4. Make-TFT-Fun-Again on

      Russia and Prussia, one letter difference really. Besides: Catherine, a Prussian, did the most conquering for Russia after Vlad. So really, it was Prussia conquering Prussia, under the banner of Russia.

      Edit: sorry Peter the Great, not Vladimir the Great

    5. Distinct_Pin_9503 on

      Prussia was better than Austria, the Southern Germans were an extravagant bunch of artists, musicians, and sculptors. Whereas the Prussians were noble farmers who served their country through military service and made great practical advances in many fields. The Prussian spirit was deeply conservative and always endured hardships with great character. That damn Hitler caused Prussia to forever vanish from the map with his insane lust for conquest.

    6. History funfact about Prussia.

      Did you know that Old Prussia (Pruthenia) had almost the same historic figure and story as Germans vs Romans with Arminius and Teutoburg Forest battle?
      [Herkus Monte ]( a Prussian chief’s son who was raised in Germany, was a christian but organized 14 year old Pagan Prussian rebellion after he saw how Crusaders treated his homeland. Uprising almost wiped Teutonic Order from the maps. (It was 2nd Prussian uprising, by then pagans learnt how to siege castles and many of them were serving in TO wars) [Battle of Durbe]( Baltic, Teutoburg battle.
      TO won by absolutely genociding Old Prussian in their regular punnitive expeditions and support from the west.

      But ironically TO is so romanticized it makes me feel sick.

    7. NoWingedHussarsToday on

      Prussia unified Germany, which is still around. Austria created Austrian empire which got gradually smaller until it was gone.

      Facts OP quotes ain’t exactly straight…….

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