And these are the people who want to run states. I seriously don’t know whether to laugh or cry !!

    by SimranKaur_


    1. Can you be more specific as to who did what? The only one I know for sure is Mark Robinson’s porn thing, and I’m going to assume Gaetz got caught with the high-schooler. Who’s the other guy?

    2. The fucking dirtbags couldn’t even spell the word hypocrisy let alone give a fuck about it.

    3. AntonioLovesHippos on

      Based upon this pattern Trump talking about Hannibal Lecter clearly suggests he’s practicing cannibalism.

    4. Mark Robinson doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. If you look at the web traffic, the biggest consumers of trans porn are people in conservative states. They claim to be protecting women and children but really it’s often because they are scared others will find out what rocks their socks and they’re ashamed. I’d love to see DeSantis web history!  

    5. One of those guys also said slavery was pretty great and he’d love to own some. You’ll never guess which one.

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