Robert Downey Jr. photographed after being sentenced to 3 years in prison for possession of cocaine, heroin and a gun, 1999

    by ShallotSudden1895


    1. Grand-Impact-4069 on

      It’s crazy how he got his career back after this. Very few celebrities are able to make the come back he did. I’m glad though, the marvel films would have had a totally different feel if he wasn’t part of them

    2. If my memory is correct, isn’t his final monologue in the first Iron Man film a reference to the speech he gave on being released from prison in real-life?

    3. NotTheRocketman on

      If I’m not mistaken, he has certain clauses built into his contracts to make sure that he stays on track now too. Little checkpoints along the way to make sure he doesn’t get all his money at once, making sure that he’s professional on set, things like that. Because he knows how easy things can go wrong.

      His turnaround (largely due to Marvel) is genuinely inspiring.

    4. So all they had to do with iron man was give him line of Charlie and they would have defeated him?

    5. He was a out of shape spoiled rich boy turned drug addict. If this is cool then I don’t want to be cool. 

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