Storm themed spa looks amazing

    by SouL145


    1. SgtAnglesPeaceLilly on

      The effects are cool and all, but have you ever been in a pool when it’s raining like that? Water falling from above and splashing up from below; it’s the pool equivalent of those tube water slides that are a little too small so you spend the whole ride getting water in your eyes and shot up your nose. I’d be in it for 2 minutes tops, then spend the rest of the time standing around awkwardly in a towel waiting for the ‘storm’ to stop. 

    2. Freshest-Raspberry on

      The clear cut off showing the screen ruins it. Make it like the sphere. Fully immerse me in the storm

    3. I prefer my spas with orange boiling waters and views of volcanos and an apocalyptic sun. This is obviously just wrong

    4. As someone from a southeast Asian country with an actual typhoon season, this stresses the absolute cr@p out of me.

    5. You’re chilling in the tub and all the sudden, something pulls your leg

      Feels like right out of “I know what you did last summer” the second movie

    6. Fishfingerguns42 on

      Man people are actually weak willed, this makes me think if a time I was hiking through a part of the Appalachians and we got caught in a gap for about half a day in pouring rain it was miserable at first but there’s a point of fuck it you get to that is almost serene.

    7. my monkey brain screams don’t go into the water when there is lightning nearby. even if it is fake lightning.

    8. I can see this but not with a pool. Like maybe you could have a cosy little fire under an umbrella or cabana, and you’re nicer and dry and safe and outside the storm rages. Now that is a nice feeling.

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