Crying at your wedding

    by DefiLves


    1. Several years ago I went to a music festival with a fairly new boyfriend. I looked over to him and he was crying. He told me it makes him emotional to see things so beautiful. I did not say it for a few months, but I fell in love with him in that moment.

      I miss him.(he’s fine, and we are living together now, but he’s at work)

    2. polarbearhardcore on

      We ‘Men’ also cry when we see death. If we don’t cry or something similar in that kind of situations you should run

    3. I have my grandparents wedding picture. Grandpa is crying while grandma is smiling. They were married for almost 65 years. Didnt know he was gay tho 🙄

    4. I’m a big time wedding crier. Didn’t cry at my own wedding though. Too nervous about not messing up to really take it in

    5. One person telling another person how to feel… well… it makes want to cry, while peeing on their shoes.

    6. Imagine holding in all your emotions till you die! They put you in the crematorium and your life long delayed emotions extinguish the fire! 😂

    7. Oh hey it’s another woman complaining about men having emotions
      I sure love it when people say shit like this

    8. Acceptable_Weather23 on

      Well I got married in 1989 at the same chapel my parents were married at and my soon to be wife was as pregnant as my mom was and I was going to have a son just like my dad who had pasted a year before so yes I cried there were some powerful emotions flowing through me. Not to mention I was very in love with her. We just had our 34 anniversary so maybe it was good luck.

    9. soualexandrerocha on

      Those people are so unhappy with their lives that they need to tell others how to live theirs.


    10. Angus_McFifeXIII on

      I cried in the cinema at the end of avengers endgame. In my heterosexual defence, I just lost my grandpa a few weeks before and that scene just hit me hard. So I guess that counts for extreme circumstances? Or should I start divorcing my wife for being gay?

    11. SnooDrawings1480 on

      That’s the difference between men who love their Brides and who are only getting married to have a mommy do their laundry and a woman to fuck.

    12. Humans need to cry or their heads will burst. A groom crying when seeing his love walking down the aisle is experiencing more joy than he will ever know. Crying when he realizes this is the way his body prevents the burst.

    13. The irony is most men don’t respond to any degree of pain by crying and very few people cry at the point of death because they are too busy dying.

      I would laugh my ass of at a man crying like a baby because he broke his arm but would respect and celebrate man crying at the overwhelming joy from finding his soulmate.

    14. My grandfather cried as he gave my mom away the day she got married. You can tell in the photographs. He is the best man I ever knew. He taught me to love science. He was just a good person. taught me to Always help when you can. the best man. He also happened to be a WW2 war hero. I dare anyone to say he was not a “real” man. No one ever had a bad word to say about him. The day he died the town literally shut down for his wake. People traveled from other countries. He was a good man.

    15. I’ve watched my buddy who is the kind of person who could lose half a arm to a table saw and not really react cry seeing his bride walk down the aisle, these people who think all men should be robotic macho douches are fucking stupid

    16. Bro I’m a 6’4″ 275lb dude who benches my own weight and I fucking balled my eyes out when I saw my wife for our first look. Come at me.

    17. Yeah, 30 years married in a few months. I cried when my wife walked down the aisle. I just showed her this and told her, “Sorry Honey, apparently I am extremely gay”. I cried when each of my three children were born too

      Fuck these assholes that say men can’t be emotional. It doesn’t make me less of a man. It makes me more human.

    18. She has the right to an objectively wrong opinion. I also have the right to ignore her bull shit.

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