Tip thieves belong in prison

    by Imagatpewpew


    1. Corporations steal and patent their employees’ ideas and inventions all the time. They say it is a term of their employment. They then profit heavily off of the inventions, and the inventors don’t see a penny. Corporate/ business greed is nothing new. That’s why the news won’t cover it.

    2. No one’s going to jail because it’s not a criminal case. And the media doesn’t give a shit because it was two years ago. I found several articles.

    3. Quirky-Resource-1120 on

      Steal $500 from a business, go straight to jail.

      Steal $375,233 from your employees, maybe be forced to pay it back if enough stink is made about it.

    4. Yup, and when Trump talks about his “tax free tip” plan, he’s talking about legalizing this kind of bullshit.

    5. Civil_Produce_6575 on

      What’s the number one form of theft in America? Everyone say it with me! It’s wage theft

    6. Wage theft is the #1 largest crime in terms of dollars stolen, but since the haves are the ones doing the stealing, somehow the laws don’t get enforced.

    7. All companies say the same things. Patents are expensive, and so is marketing and customer acquisition. So on and so forth. Basically, a company will frame it in such a way that you don’t have enough money to compete even with the patent. Even though TECHNICALLY they would be your paying customer and generate enough revenue for you to do well with theinventions.

      If you want to take a shot, have the money first, buy the book “Business generation model,” and be prepared to spend 5-10 years making little to no money with extremely long hours. And whatever you do, don’t quit your day job.

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