Misspelling on Trump billboard

    by ninja_heart


    1. SaraSlaughter607 on

      Hahaha what a clever little rhyme at the top, law and order you say? *cough* 34 felonies *cough*

    2. It is a good idea to secure your boarders. You don’t want them wandering willy nilly throughout your house!

    3. Skate, or surf? Either way, I believe Kamala is also making a similar claim of support for skateboarders and surfers, so this issue is a wash. Kind of a waste of money for such a niche issue. 

    4. Restore law and order. Vote for the felon.

      These people really are that stupid.


    5. didn’t immediately read the small print so thought maybe the typo was ‘pray for america’ -> ‘prey for america’ which i like very much

    6. Is there a pirate problem I don’t know about? Are they boarding our boats? Are they eating people’s fish!??

    7. Fit_Tangerine1329 on

      Not a photoshop? Last one I saw was a billboard trying to get the Latino vote, and it was written in…. Latin. Guessing that was a photoshop. Tough to tell.

    8. These are the people that are going to hunker down and do the detail-driven work that’s going to make America great again

    9. I drove by a Trump store (didn’t know such a thing actually existed) and noticed misspelled signs out front as well (simple stuff like “Biden, your fired”).

      I see a pattern here…

    10. To be fair, I see it spelled that way all over Reddit. There seems to be a lot of confusion over roll/role as well.

    11. They didn’t get there by spelling correctly! As J.D. Vance said : “I have to make up stories to get attention”

    12. You’re right, it should’ve read, “Nazi Cunt and Doughboy (and just beneath) Preying on America”

    13. Funny thing is, the billboard company probably liberal caught it and said fuck it… lol or something like..you sure? Ok then

    14. Law and order has been running for like decades why would they try to restore an active tv show. Dumb asses

    15. bassistheplace246 on

      MAGA: *i’M VoTiNg For ThE PartY OF law aNd OrDER*

      Also MAGA:


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