Don’t you love a blast from the past

    by longtriproad


    1. I had one similar to this. I had about $100 in my bank account, and my parents said that since it was my money, I could spend it if I wanted to. Back then I was able to purchase the monkey bars as well as a simple swing set. My dad put them out by his evergreen nursery so that the children of customers could play on them.

    2. I married my wife in the month of June,
      Risselty rosselty, now, now, now,
      I brought her home by the light of the moon,
      Risselty rosselty, hey Johnny Dosselty,
      Nickety nackety, rustical quality,
      Willickey wallackey now, now, now.

    3. These kids are playing in a tesseract, which means they are in the 4th dimension and are walking amongst us but we can’t see them.

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