He’s got a point

    by Best-Subject-7253


    1. CalRipkenForCommish on

      Kevin’s an equal opportunity fan of bankruptcies. He likes both the moral *and* financial ones

    2. I would want someone swayed by a celebrity voting before someone who thinks storming the Capitol was a “patriotic” act voting.

    3. “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

      ~ Not Kevin Sorbo

    4. I keep seeing variation of this and it’s so nonsensical.

      Nobody is swaying their vote because of a celeb endorsement, HOWEVER, it may push people who otherwise would’ve sat home to go and vote.

    5. The premise of this statement is incredibly anti democratic. You do not need a reason to vote either way. You can be the most uninformed buffoon and still cast a vote. Nowhere in the constitution does it say your voting ability should depend the process by which you decide.

    6. Pickle-Rick-C-137 on

      And if a “celebrity” tells you that if a celebrity telling you who to vote for sways your vote, you shouldn’t be voting.

      Which means you SHOULD be voting! lmfao

    7. You see, Sorb-dawg is so far kicked to the curb of being a real celebrity that he doesn’t even recognize, what a real celebrity is all about.

      That, and he’s so fucking stupid it’s like trying to impregnate a door knob him learning anything.

      Good for you peanut.

    8. BlankensteinsDonut on

      Imagine being on the same side of anything as Kevin Sorbo and not feeling like a huge fucking idiot.

    9. Are they

      Are they not both “stars”

      I’m seriously fucking confused

      This is like the one person who lies and the other tells the truth.

    10. Candid-Sky-3709 on

      people vote for him because he popularized being proud nazi in public, not for being a celebrity. /s

    11. Whom to vote for.

      Biden gets who/whom correctly. And clowns on the right say he’s senile. What’s your excuse then?

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