Cards Against Humanity created a nature preserve in Texas. Elon Musk’s SpaceX illegally trashed and destroyed the land. CaH is suing on behalf of the donors that raised the money for the preserve. [link in comments]

    by GonzoVeritas


    1. Excerpt from the statement from CaH:

      >How did this happen? Elon Musk’s SpaceX was building some space thing nearby, and he figured he could just dump his shit all over our gorgeous plot of land without asking.

      >After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half our land’s value. We said, “Go fuck yourself, Elon Musk. We’ll see you in court.”

      they end it with…

      > With great vengeance and furious anger,
      > Cards Against Humanity
      >*P.S. We will also accept as compensation.*

    2. ocopoos_oxopoos on

      Is this from when CAH offered for people to buy a tiny parcel of land to stop the wall? I have so much paperwork from doing that and never thought anything would come from participating lol

    3. What’s funny is thay CAH is exactly Leon’s brand of edgy humor and he must hate that they’re not riding his dick.

    4. It was found that Elon Musk was a

      ____________ ,who also enjoyed

      ____________, whilst


    5. scornedandhangry on

      I got my email today as I had originally contributed. The day I get a check from Elon, I am going to frame that sucker.

    6. Was this where they bought property along the border during the trump presidency so they could refuse to allow a border wall be build on that land?

    7. I personally can’t stand playing CaH but I proudly buy and display their products because I like the cut of their jib.

    8. bruceregalcatlawyer on

      My wife went to high school with the kids (now grown ups) that created CAH and they are highly educated, dedicated, well connected (also rich) kids who don’t give a fuck, so I hope they take that pile of human shit to the cleaners. Gat damn that man is a virus.

    9. In 2017, I paid Cards Against Humanity to protect a pristine plot of border land from Trump’s racist wall. But then an even richer, more racist billionaire—Elon Musk—stole my land and dumped his shit all over it. @ElonMusk owes me $100. #ElonOwesMe100Bucks

    10. PeppercornBiscuit on

      Elon Musk: we gotta do rockets and space colonies because man has trashed the planet!

      Also Elon Musk: * *personally, directly uses rocket factory to trash planet* *

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