Plumbus X

    by NyhmrodZa


    1. How the fuck can you remove the grodus? A wireless floob is just ridiculous. Makes the whole thing silly.

    2. Of course it’s totally incompatible with all your repriskers, so you’ll have to buy new ones.

    3. LongjumpingTerd on

      If they could make the flinglebop last a few more zumos, I could be convinced to trade in my current one.

      Rick Sanchez said he isn’t upgrading yet so neither am I.

    4. n00biwankan00bi on

      Gobulus has done all of this for years. Next Plumbus will add a Bloid and charge 23øbż

    5. Are we just going to ignore the fact that they still have to rub the fleeb against the dingle bop? Will somebody think of the schlamis?

    6. Genius. You’ll of course have your naysayers and skeptics who will cry of the loss of the grodus, and the wireless floob. But this is innovation unlike anything we have ever seen. Pure marvels like this will of course resemble insanity to those less inspired.

    7. It’s a good upgrade, but not worth 700 wangbits, especially when the vertex penicular is sold separately.

    8. thesirensoftitans on

      Great. Now I *have* to upgrade. See, this is how they get you. I’m comfortable with my current platform. Why would I want a wireless floob?

      A larger Dingle bop completely flies in the face of removing the Grodus. Come on!

      This is just a power grab brought to you by our Ricks.

    9. No pricing yet. I hope the _Grodus_ removal doesn’t mean that the wireless _Floob_ would become a separate purchase.

    10. Are they now requiring one to buy the floob seperately instead of getting it with the product? This smells like the same shit Apple pulled with the headphones. Now one has to buy the floob seperately, can’t use an attachable and it’s more advanced since it is going to be wireless which ups the price. Maaan I hope I am wrong but this smells like greed.

    11. UnicornGenocide77 on

      I’ve no ideas for clever innovations regarding the modern plumbus. This made my day.

    12. There’s an apple plumbus.

      It’s based on a 30yr old design, it stops working after 12months + 1 day (just outside of warranty) and although it costs 1399 grapples, you require a 1600 grapple flimblefarp adaptor because it uses uses a proprietary dinglebop that won’t work with any other plumbus.

    13. I love that like only two people here DONT know what a plumbus is. Good community on r/funny haha

    14. They are already using tri-fold Plumbuses in China with an AI powered Chumble. I want one so I can install an open source Grumbo with a overclocked Brushing Unit.

    15. I enjoyed the Plumbus 9 because I could hold it in one hand anywhere I went. Now, I have to grab my keys , phone, wallet AND both pieces of my Plumbus X before I leave the house.

      It’s like selling a phone without a charger

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