Woman named Ruth Bergerson, working out at home in the 1960s. one of the most impressive physiques that I have seen. If anybody know more would love to know who this woman was.

    by Electrical-Aspect-13


    1. Based on other photographs from the era, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a trapeze artist with a circus.

    2. the_other_50_percent on

      OP, where did you see these photos? I think I found her, but there’s no mention of physical training. That’s her maiden name. Her father immigrated from Norway. Born in 1919 in Wisconsin, died in 2005 in Minnesota. Had 1 child in 1943, now deceased, in a short-lived marriage. Had 2 children from a second marriage, the last in 1955. Had 7 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren at the time of her death. Her obituary says that she “enjoyed dancing and was known as a very elegant woman”.

    3. I respect her for so many reasons. I’d love to hear her story. Been following muscle and bodybuilding since the late 70s through my big brother. 💪🏽

    4. ScowlyBrowSpinster on

      I wonder if she had a genetic predisposition for amazing muscle development. She looks so amazingly strong.

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