Scab O’Brien f*cked around and is now finding out.

    by Tayo826


    1. The unfortunate reality is that his non-endorsement is probably the best outcome for democrats. The members of the union voted overwhelmingly to endorse Trump.

    2. The people complaining about political content here are more annoying than the political content lmao.

      Good meme OP. Don’t let them get to ya. I’ve had arguments here and a decent amount are bots. Explains an entire fucking ‘debate’ thread had their comments bombed.

    3. Why don’t I see people complaining that this is a SpongeBob sub when it’s a hawk tua post? That has nothing to do with SpongeBob besides the characters in the image. Nowhere does this sub say memes can’t be political. You’re just upset because you don’t agree with the sentiment. Don’t pretend you’re upset about the inclusion of politics if you’re not going to complain about all non-SpongeBob irl topics.

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