Ah yes, the coveted vaping vote

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Donald will come up with the most ridiculous lunacy to shift your attention from Project 2025. It’s deliberate.

      Have you heard about it? Project 2025 is a 900-page ultra-conservative plan to turn Trump into a literal monarch, and on top of that to ban abortion alltogether, as well as to destroy the separation of Church and State. It’s not a conspiracy, its creators are real people who call for it quite openly. They even hold rallies which (surprize surprize!) Trump has repeatedly attended. 

      Now Project 2025 having been discovered by the general public, they desperately try to shift your attention from it. Ignore the noise. 


    2. He’s having a hard time figuring out anything positive or good he did while in the WH. He didn’t do much.

    3. ParticularAd8919 on

      Given how demonized vaping has become, this doesn’t really make sense from a campaigning POV either. Also, you become a legal adult in the US at 18. It doesn’t make sense for our drinking or vaping ages to be 21, if you’re able to vote three years earlier.

    4. “Vote for me and there will be no more homework and we will have soda and ice cream for lunch every day!” – Trump running for school president.

    5. *Mr. Trump you are losing amongst young people.*

      What do they want?

      *They want to not be shot in schools*

      What else do they want?

      *They want a fair economy.*

      What else do they want?

      *Student loan forgiveness?*

      What else?

      *Well I guess vaping is kind of popular.*

      OK cool. Make up something about me saving vaping and post it on my social media accounts.

    6. I was going to vote for Kamala because, you know, the whole “save Democracy” thing.

      But…I do miss my grape-flavored vape.

      I guess I’m officially “undecided” now.

    7. i’m surprised this post wasn’t paired with some “luxury” mango flavored vape pen at an outrageous price and a stars and stripes aesthetic

    8. Except during his presidency they banned flavored juices and vapes for a few months to starve out the small businesses only to reverse course once Philip Morris bought the failing businesses.

      We don’t have brains anymore.

    9. “Despite claims that vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes and that it might help smokers quit, concern about its risks is well deserved.

      Nicotine addiction. Whether in cigarettes or vapes, nicotine is highly addictive. And the amount of nicotine in many vaping products is much higher than in regular cigarettes. Side effects include reduced appetite, increased heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, and diarrhea.
      Harm to lungs and heart. Vapors from e-cigarettes may contain cancer-causing toxins, metals, and lung irritants. Vaping raises risk for lung diseases, such as emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It’s also linked to an increased risk of heart attacks. Even secondhand exposure to e-cigarette vapors may trigger asthma.
      Severe, potentially fatal lung injury. In 2019, doctors began seeing people who had recently vaped and developed shortness of breath, cough, fever, and extensive lung damage. Dubbed EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury), more than 2,800 cases and 68 deaths were reported. The condition has been linked to vapors containing THC and a form of vitamin E (called vitamin E acetate) used as a thickening agent when vaping THC. Cases have fallen markedly since 2020. Possibly because of falling case numbers, the FDA announcement of new vaping products didn’t even mention EVALI, which seems odd. If you do vape, see these recommendations to reduce the risk of EVALI.”



      In simpler terms, he’s bragging about poisoning people.

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