My father and I both work 2pm-10pm and are gone from 12/1pm-11pm often, thought this might get my neighbors attention lol

    by SizzlerSluts


    1. Plot twist, there’s a crazy redneck with triggerfinger syndrome with a big ol iron on his hip just Waiting to blast a burglar while laughing menacingly

      The sign is robber bait

      (YOU are allowed to defend your property with lethal force in some states if im not mistaken)

    2. Flashy_Narwhal9362 on

      Plot twist: Op is on a crime fighting crusade. The sign lures the criminals into thinking no one is home except the dog. Little do they know that the dog is a registered Jedi master killer attack dog, the would be thieves have no clue as to the horrific carnage that awaits them. Their deaths will be slow,methodical and will hurt really bad the whole time.

    3. Awwww. There’s a house on my street that opens the blinds like a foot and every time I walk my dog in front of it 3 little heads pop up.

    4. Honestly? When I first read “I know you see him!” I thought they were going to say the white dog on the roof is totally okay. Kinda disappointed.

    5. >I know you see him

      I, in fact, did not see him. All my focus was on the shape and color of the mailbox. I thought it was in reference to the “Fuck her right in the pussy” guy.

    6. Do you have this advertised anywhere else? As a former mail carrier this is probably only being seen by your carrier who is also probably slightly confused lol

    7. Initially thought this was one of those pictures that look like something else when you zoom out or blur your vision or whatever. Then I tried reading the note on the mailbox.

    8. justherefortheboobs on

      Wasn’t wearing my glasses and saw Kylo Ren. Zoomed in and realized you meant the sign.

    9. Before I noticed the note, I thought this post was about the photo kind of looks like a face. The slit in the mailbox is the mouth, and the two big windows are a big left eye and small right eye.

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