The Americans sure enjoyed the wars from the other side…

    by Kush_1344


    1. Yes, we sure “enjoyed” having to send our youth to fight and die upon foreign lands for European squabbles

    2. Yeah that’s what happens when a war starts and finishes on your continent. We could just not join or supply materials and equipment before being dragged in next time if you want

    3. Vulgar-vagabond on

      Americans just enjoy War…

      That’s why we start one every 20-30 yrs .. it’s a cultural thing.

    4. Diligent-Property491 on

      Poland after each world war would be just an empty field labeled ,,formerly the city X”

    5. Diligent-Property491 on

      Poland after each world war would be just an empty field labeled ,,formerly the city X”. /s

    6. Well the Europeans kept trying to destroy each other. So we had to come in and put a stop to it, and we were just glad when it was over.

    7. Cosmicmonkeylizard on

      America was a lot closer to siding with the Nazis than people think. I’m just grateful we didn’t because there’s a good chance this meme wouldn’t exist if we did.

      You can thank the American military and the Jewish mob for not supporting the Nazi regime.

    8. Nah, America after WWI wasn’t doing amazing. Sure by comparison it was doing a-okay, but in isolation…

      There was an economic downturn, the aftershocks of spanish flu, a red scare, and a wave of violence against black Americans.

    9. SemajLu_The_crusader on

      that’s exactly the image that comes into my mind when I think of the great depression

    10. Id be nice if Europeans would stop killing each other and dragging the rest of the world in with them. 😑

    11. Yeah the wars Europeans popped off in Europe for Europe reasons had a big effect in Europe.

      The US didn’t even want to be involved but had to bail Europe out twice, and then become world hegemon so it wouldn’t happen again.

      You are fucking welcome

    12. Shit. I mean, this is on the Europeans for spiralling themselves into, not just ONE, but TWO World Wars!

    13. Countries that got their independence bc their colonial masters bled themselves dry: shame, shame…

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