Kentucky news article from 1897

    by NickelPlatedEmperor


    1. I’m embarrassed to have first read picnic at a funeral. Reading the subheading was like, “well that’s odd”.

    2. Gotta wonder if it made any kind of noise when it burst.

      And 4 times the size of a normal head is massive!! Did everyone just watch it grow and do nothing???

    3. Poor guy. But here we are all these years later, remembering his name. Perhaps even in uncomfortable circumstances, there’s a benefit to being remarkable as opposed to unremembered.

      I salute you Q. Riddle Jr. I hope you found your rest.

    4. FamousOhioAppleHorn on

      Do you have a source for this ? I can’t find any male Riddles with an A or Q name who died in Kentucky in September 1897. It’s also very odd that his father is only listed as “a prominent farmer.” It truly reads like one of those dubious, mass distributed news stories that would get printed across the country without verification. ***[This]( is the only Andrew Quiller Riddle I could find, but he died in 1919.

    5. JellybeanFernandez on

      Damn, remember the good old days? The way we were? The way our heads used to swell up in our coffins until they exploded, causing panics? Things were so simple back then.

    6. I wonder if there’s a funeral directors sub around here that could make an educated guess as to what actually happened.

    7. What did that glass coffin cover look like? Since it was being lowered, why wasn’t the body just in a closed coffin?

      (Edit- I found the answer! Typically a glass window in the lid. Usually thick enough and crafted in a way to keep the casket sealed and people thought they helped against burying people alive bc faint breathing would produce fog. This glass could not withstand exploding head tho)

    8. MiskatonicMenace on

      🎶I chimed in with a “Haven’t you people ever heard of, embalming your goddamn corpse”, no…🎶

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