Continually funny that Elon’s simps only post AI pictures of him because he looks like this

    by MoreMotivation


    1. I still find it completely ironic that the diesel hogs like the electric car man. Then again, what isnt ironic about the republican party now a days.

    2. One of the few good things that came out from AI is that I can automatically reject someone’s opinion if that someone posts AI pics depicting another person on a positive light. Specially if that person also responds to ai images of himself or even worse, he himself posts/shares those images. Truly one of the best indicators that someone is pathetic

    3. ShapedLikeAnEgg on

      LMAO! Even the AI knows that Elon has massive nipples from abusing supplements leading to gynecomastia

    4. Previous_Beautiful27 on

      Ah yes Captain America’s famous pointed shield.

      Also, when I think Captain America, I think a racist apartheid era South African immigrant.

    5. Significant_Farm8695 on

      Oof, saggy and falling apart. Not a good look for Tesla’s Cybertruck or its inventor.

    6. Genuinely curious, how does Elon get a fat protruding…..mid-section vs the typical belly? Shouldn’t the tummy be what sticks out, not whatever is *just* below the rib cage?

    7. ParamedicSpecific130 on

      The funniest thing is, this dude could have the best trainers, chefs, food, everything and he is ok looking like a uneven rock you would find in the American southwest.

    8. Costume that draws inspiration from Norman Osborn’s Iron Patriot suit is actually pretty appropriate for Elon. Crazy billionaire pretending to do good while actually just using the entire situation as cover to support his criminal friends? Spot on.

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