The fur temperature of my cat laying in the sun

    by Frequent_Swim_4552


    1. Republicans are going to take this and claim you’re an immigrant checking if your dinner is ready

    2. My friend’s cat would sleep under the woodstove, just a few inches under metal so hot it would instantly burn you touching it.

    3. My parents cat lays out in the sun on their back fenced in porch when it’s 90 and humid. I don’t understand how a furry animal can enjoy that. He loves it.

    4. Oh my god.. that poor cat has no clue what’s ahead of him😬 he’s going to make a hell of a stew 😩

    5. Just like my dog, he’d be laying out in the sun and his fur would be so hot It’s almost too hot to touch but bros fine. Even gets annoyed when I try and bring him in the A/C like aight enjoy being 1000 degrees I guess. Just sucks cause when we’re chilling we’re chilling I’m not ditching him so I have to endure the heat as well and I bake easily till he’s had enough.

    6. The old saying is, if you’re ever cold go find the cat. They always know the warmest places in the house.

    7. Willing-Rest-758 on

      Cats originated from middle eastern/ african desert climates, so they’re designed to get toasty. Probably. 

    8. Ismelther_icemelter on

      I used to have a black cat who loved to bake in the sun. One day I decided to use my laser thermometer to check and this MF was up to 140 Fahrenheit. I kept checking occasionally and he got up to 160. Every time we caught him in a sunbeam we’d say ‘HES GOIN FOR THE RECORD!’ Miss that boy.

    9. Most housecats are comfortable between 120 and 140F.

      Proof they’re hellspawn. (Realistically, just proof of their desert descent).

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