Alyson Hannigan and her stunt doubles on the set of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3, 1999.

    by Shinobi347


    1. Just for clarification: The two women in the middle have vampire prosthetics on, this is not their natural faces (thank God lol).

    2. redsoxfan_goboston on

      A progression from right to left….

      After 1 beer

      After 3 beers

      After 6 beers

      After a 12 pack

    3. Radiant-Rip2149 on

      Always wanted to watch Buffy but can’t troop through those first few eps, I’ve tried multiple times

    4. Hated this show and that it spawned an abusive cockroach named Joss Whedon.

      Edit: downvote away. Fuck Whedon.

    5. Beautiful-Bit9832 on

      Despite Aly doesn’t have rack like Sweedney but her cuteness can cover those unnecessary things especially when she smiles 

    6. One of my favorite banters of the show – with the funniest foreshadowing!

      Willow: “so violent. And skanky. Also I think I’m kinda gay.”

      Buffy: “just remember a vampires personality has nothing to do with the person it was.”

      Angel: “well, actually …. Ah … it’s a good point.” *Looks away*

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