Camp Beverly Hills “Autumn Colors” ad (1987)

    by Tony_Tanna78


    1. Noticing she doesn’t have pants on: 🤔🤨

      Noticing they both don’t have any pants on: 🥳🤩

    2. justananontroll on

      I’m old enough to remember when girls dressed like her to go to the mall.

      Funny that those same women are now probably the Karens complaining about yoga pants being worn outside a gym.

    3. koolaidismything on

      I still wear my thermals under my cutoff jeans. Comfortable and when you get home you just lose the jeans.. fuckin easy.

    4. It was interesting how leg warmers in media got worn lower and lower until they just became bulky ankle sleeves.

    5. anislandinmyheart on

      I feel like this was a couple of years behind the times for that fashion, but maybe someone else remembers better. In 1987 I had gone goth/ alternative, yet I definitely wore styles like this before that period

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