The plot of this Indian movie

    by WhattheDuck9


    1. Believe it or not, this is actually very common even in real life in Southeast Asia.
      In my country (Bangladesh), Village court often forces rapists to marry the victim.

    2. It’s OK people, calm your tits.

      Amongst other things, they sing and dance in the rape scene so it’s quite beautiful.


    3. Gargal_Deez_Nuts on

      OK so looked up and Alot of people is hating on it.
      But there’s still people loving it.
      Like a dude literally said if a girl can loose her V-card and marry later, then why can’t a girl raped fall in love with her rapist?? 💀 💀 What kind of mentality is this.
      A girl literally said it’s a good movie Cuz it gives good moral. WHAT MORAL LMFAO GIRL BE FR

    4. AlexanderDxLarge on

      by win over with good deeds, they meant she convinced them not to kill her because she can be useful.

    5. This is one of the most regressive movies ever made in India. The whole plot line is ridiculous, the manner in which they treat such a sensitive topic is appalling. The movie is unwatchable.

    6. there_is_no_spoon1 on

      The plot of ALOT of Indian REAL LIVES. Women there are raped per capita more than anywhere in the world. Honestly, just fuck you, India.

    7. My grandma loves Indian movies and I used to watch them with her when I was little in the early 2000s. This plot isn’t even that bad lmao.

      There was this one movie where the protagonist raped his cousin. The cousin had a secret twin sister that was in love with the protagonist, so she raped him. They both got pregnant and gave birth to identical babies. The twins were also mistreated by the family of the protagonist and at the end of the movie he wanted to find out who was the girl he raped because that’s the one he actually loved. So he gave them both pistols and told them that whoever shoots his mother is the real girl he loves. The bitch twin pulls the trigger, the girl he raped drops the gun. He goes back on his word because the girl he raped “doesn’t have it in her” to shoot his mother, even though his mother abused the shit out of her. The bitch twin gets dragged away to a mental asylum by the police, even though the gun had no rounds, and the baby the protagonist had with her is set for adoption.

      The end.

    8. I was dating an Indian woman briefly and she wanted us to watch an Indian movie one time. First thing that happened in the movie was the main character, a hungover doctor, woke up on a roof and was going to rape a woman that stumbled across him before remembering he had to get to work and he didn’t have time for that. My gf laughed, I was confused.

    9. Among the obvious horrors, something I have a problem with that nobody talks about is that all these Bollywood movies seem to just have this implicit assumption that all men will just rape all women if given the chance.

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