[OC] Mortality Rate for 20-24 Age Group by Sex

    by n0tpc


    1. Some countries (like China) do not publish statistics – they should have a distinct color.

      UPDATE: I was wrong. This graph is an UN estimation (as per title), not national statistics, and it indeed includes most countries.

    2. violetgobbledygook on

      Interesting. How does it look if you make one map with the difference between the two rates? Less meaningful metric but then we don’t have to look back and forth to find the differences

    3. KuriousKhemicals on

      Dang, Venezuela sure has something going on specifically for men. Ukraine too but the cause of that is obvious.

      Afghanistan is the only one I can easily pick out with a strong bias toward women of this age group dying. Central African Republic is also visible but the difference is less stark.

    4. Dang, Afghanistan really stands out like that. It’s not alone in having a higher mortality rate for women but it’s in rarefied company.
      The other ones I saw were Central African Republic, South Sudan and maybe Somalia but they don’t pop out as much since the base line around them is higher.

    5. What’s going on in Venezuela?

      Yeah, I know about the economic crisis and repressions. But there must be something specific going on that other poor/repressed countries aren’t experiencing, for men.

    6. I think I’m not the only one who was like “why is this country in Europe in black… oh yeah right.”

    7. YoungSavage0307 on

      Crazy how there’s many countries in Africa with a higher male mortality rate than Russia, who’s literally in a war of attrition with Ukraine.

    8. Women have higher mortality in two states, Afghanistan and the Central African Republic. Men have higher mortality in every single other state, so it is interesting why it appears as equal in so many places. Taking non-equivalent rates as equal if they are close enough?

    9. pleasedothenerdful on

      I think there’s a little dot missing on the coast of the Mediterranean, right next to the Egyptian border.

    10. Of course people will focus on the extremes of these statistics but the USA is scarily high for a western country

    11. I have found a UN Inter Agency report on this topic however the age range was 15-24, if you could note how you achieved the 20-24 figures that would be useful

    12. So is 32 of 1000 the max, and thus what the figure is in Ukraine?
      And this is for a single year, 2023 it seems?

      Trying to understand: so the war starts in Ukraine, you’re a young man, how likely is it you’re dead by now.

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